Friday, August 31, 2007

Moon Shadow and Prospect Point...

I've had 5 consecutive days of decent running but the highlights were not necessarily the running itself. On Tuesday, I got to see the full lunar eclipse and the shadows of the Earth moved across the moon. On Wednesday and Thursday I got to run through or to the top of Prospect Point Park in Waltham, MA. It was an emotional run through the vast forest to a scenic overlook, as quiet as quiet gets, the wind slightly dancing upon the sweat beads of my skin and a view of Boston 10 miles away. I sat and talked and thought and captured the peace of the moment. The next day I did the same. My runs are of marathon pace right now except in the hilly prospect point. Tomorrow I will be off and then put in a marathon pace half-marathon as Adirondack draws closer. I have felt run-down quite a bit with stress but I am still getting through my runs and they do help. I woke up to beat the Sun from her glory.

Today I registered for the Umstead 100, the first day possible. I will do my best and what will be, will be.

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