Sunday, August 19, 2007

Let the Spirit Guide You...

What a difference humidity makes. Saturday, I decided to venture out for a long run of 20 miles as I continue to prepare for fall marathon season and the Adirondack marathon in September. I needed to have a good solid run to give me confidence from last week's DNF. Saturday's weather was quite perfect for an August day with very low humidity and unseasonably cool temperatures. I started at marathon pace at around 8:37 per mile and held steady the rest of the 20 miles at 8:53 finishing in 2:57. I needed a run like this mentally to give me that confidence. I am sure the body didn't mind either. Earlier in the week, I ran a few 6 milers. Today, I hope to complete a 10 miler or 90 minute run. I always like to feel comfortable with 30 miles on back-to-back days going into the marathon. I am still 4 weeks away for Adirondack and hope to get a couple more medium distance runs in and potentially one more long run.

Let the Spirit Guide You comes from a song called Soulshine by Warren Haynes. I wrote about this song on my 26.2 blog but it played yesterday toward the end of my run and got me through the last few miles. At some point in a run and in life you need to let an inner spirit and a higher spirit take hold. The combination will always guide you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Brother! Also reflecting on your DNF, Warren Haynes also said, "wisdom comes from despair" in a great song he wrote called "Child of the Earth."